Author(s): Ms. N. Thusiyanthy, Dr. K. Rajendram
The main objectives of the study are to study the social issues faced in female leadership families and find out the causes for the formation of female-led families. Primary and secondary data have been utilized in this study. To collect primary data 205 households had selected by way of the stratified random sampling method. Questionnaires, key informants interview, and focus group discussion have been adopted. Several social issues have been identified, which was in the hold of the battle for three decades. After the war, to study the status of basic needs such as food, accommodation, education, health, social protection, transport, cultural issues, employment, and income have been reviewed. Death of husband, living apart, disappearance, and being unmarried and living alone is being the main causes of the formation of female-led families. Their livelihood and life could be improved by creating employment opportunities, strengthening and empowering the economy, formation of leadership, provision of psychosocial reinforcement, encouraging remarriage, and maintenance of elderly family-led females, ensuring safety among female-led families.