International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2471-7576 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijhass

Arendtian Construal of the State and Sovereignty: An Extant Version Stance

Author(s): Lawrence Ofunja Kangei, Patrick Ouma Nyabul, John Muhenda

The conception(s) of the State and Sovereignty is not new-fangled at any apposite construal outlook. However, this ought not to be deciphered to connote that an affinity to delve into their comprehension is futile. In this paper, there are a plethora of sub-themes that constitute these two themes of interest. Appertaining to the State, it is ordered by the constitutional structures which partake of proffering a delineating social identity as well as the legitimacy of the State action. Moreover, the society is construed to be the transitional sphere through which individuals can deliberate on varied issues as a sort of nourishment. State sovereignty is comprehended as vastly resounding along with invariant expressions. Varied schools’ of thought such as the realists’ interpret the State sovereignty from a pragmatist stance. It is in tandem with this department that the concern of whether sovereignty could suffer any brand of obliteration emerges. The interest of this exposition is to delve into the ambivalent nature of the State along with its co-reality, that is, sovereignty. The methodologies that were employed in the pursuit of possible rejoinder(s) to the foregoing problem were the hermeneutic and critical approach. The Arendtian proclivity to the State’s and sovereignty viewpoints was interpreted and later on appraised with an avant-garde lens. It was realized that Arendt thought sovereignty besides autarchy to be the same in human endeavors by differentiating between an idea of rights and rights. Additionally, there ensues to be two sorts of sovereignty, to be precise, external along with internal sovereignties. The lingering inquiry at this juncture is the equipoise and nexus between internal and external sovereignty. Autocracy is by and largely vindicated as the need to surmount temporarily the weakness of dualistic or admixtured or functionally separated forms of government. The facilitation is in determining the institution of a legitimate actor entitled to all rights along with privileges of statehood in addition to defining the underpinning strictures of rightful State action. It is germane to accentuate that legitimacy ought to be silhouetted by the construal of power as the outright will’s aptitude to bring into being as well as impose change on that which is in the correlation between the State and sovereignty.