International Journal of Humanities and Applied Social Science

ISSN: 2471-7576 (Online)

DOI: 10.33642/ijhass

Influence Import, Export, Investment and Gross Domestic Product to Inflation in Indonesia and Asean Countries

Author(s): Dr. Akhmad Sodikin, SE, MM, M.Si; Dra. Ella Siti Chaeriah, MM

The aims of this research are to know influence import variable, export, investment and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to inflation in Indonesia from 1970 to 2008, partially and simultaneously. Besides that, to know variable, export, investment and Gross Domestic Product(GDP) to inflation in Asian countries partially or simultaneously. This information was needed to inflation reference management in Indonesia. Data is collected from database Asian Productivity Organization(APO) and analyzed with multiple regression using t and F test. Based on data analyzed is known that import variable, export, investment and GDP influenced to inflation in Asian countries which are analyzed in Indonesia, Malaysian, Singapore, Thailand and Philippines. Data was counted in 38 years from 1970 to 2008. But import which influenced in Asian countries. All variables which analyzed influenced to inflation in Indonesian, Thailand, and Philippines.